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Choose from a timed 5K run or choose a more casual 1-2 mile or 5K walk! Kids and dogs are encouraged to attend!  


This event was initiated by a specially abled 12 year old girl named Rivka, who was inspired by witnessing first hand how a Merlin’s KIDS service dog can change the lives of her autistic brother and her entire family!  


Vendors of all types will be on site for some shopping fun. Each vendor will not only be helping Merlin’s KIDS as a whole, but will be helping a specific funding goal, such as helping an applicant fundraise the money for their own service dog. Each vendor will have a donation jug representing a specific cause/story that you can directly contribute to.


We hope you will join us for a fun family day while helping us raise money to rescue, train and place more service dogs!


Rivka and her family will have a team fundraising page for Rivka’s Uncle David to get a service dog, in loving memory of her Great Aunt Susan, who was always one of the first to help others.  We invite you to create, join or donate to an existing fundraising team too!


Please join us!

About the Event

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